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5 Very Important Steps to Maintain Your Happiness

Hello Fellow Bitter to Better Blog Readers!

Wow!!! 2018 been a roller coaster already!

I haven't been writing as often as I initially said I would and for that I truly do apologize.

However, I have not forgotten any of you for even a second.

Life has been happening and while I'm still in pursuit of all my aspirations, my blog has been kind of falling by the way side.

I'd like to share why and assure you that there is so much more to come for Bitter to Better

1. Wix has set a shit load of limitations and I can't perform through their hosting package the way I would like.

2. I'll be transferring my blog soon and starting fresh with a brand new host and all. I've been working on some amazing, new and improved content, just for you! Stand by for that !

3. I actually have been very busy writing and completed my very first self development book. It will launch June 9, 2018. Yayyyyy "Bitter to Better: Breaking Chains" I will post the links up for my new website and for my book purchase as soon as possible.

I'm in a really good place and for that I'd like to share...

5 Very Important Steps to Maintain Your Happiness

1. Cherish those who value your smile and go the extra mile to make sure you feel appreciated.

2. Do not feel obligated to please everyone. Do yourselves a favor and be steadfast in dismissing people with negative vibes from your life.

3. Take time out of a busy schedule to detox (go out, eat your fav food, hang with friends, take a trip etc.) and reflect on life.

4. Get involved with projects or events that spark a passion in your soul. Maybe learn a new language, learn to play an instrument or go take a dance class.

5. Last but definitely my favorite; maintain organization of your responsibilities and prioritize. There's no stronger happiness zapper than to feel out of control in your own life. So, get into easy but effective routines. Use calendars, notes, and reminders as often as possible. Tackle everyday with conviction and own it!!

Until next time, stay true to yourself and to others. I appreciate you!

Please feel free to leave a comment and share this post if you'd like.

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