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How to Stay True to Yourself In The Midst of Life's Tribulations

Hello Fellow Bitter to Better Blog Readers!

This just in; I've decided I'm going to keep this blog going.

If you've been following then you know I'm starting a new and improved blog this month coming up and of course I'll provide all the details to you guys when it launches. So exciting!

I've come to the conclusion that I will continue to provide content right here in the Bitter to Better Blog throughout my journey; building my new website, helping others realize their unlimited potential, and pursuing my dream of becoming a New York Times Best Selling Author... All at the same damn time! LOL

Side Note: If you haven't yet, please go purchase my very first book "Bitter to Better: Breaking Chains" General E-book version available by clicking HERE Kindle E-book and Print Version available through Amazon HERE Barnes and Noble Print and Nook E-book format HERE

I wrote an entire post on why you should read "Bitter to Better: Breaking Chains" check it out HERE!

Thanks in advance for the support :-)

NOW....Life got crazy for me in a blink of an eye recently, and as a result I found myself slacking on all of my goals and aspirations (I'll admit that the fact that it's summer time here in NYC and the temptation to hang out is definitely hard to beat and added to the atrocity.)

I found myself feeling guilty and down on myself when I didn't meet my self imposed deadlines.

Then I'd procrastinate on the most mundane tasks because I became overwhelmed about everything I had not done. Everything was just piling right up on me.

My mother became very ill and was hospitalized. My 30th Birthday Vacation was canceled and a lot of money lost because of it (over $1,500, OUCH!). The relationship with my daughters father was becoming toxic to say the least. My adorable baby girl was sick on and off, so I was missing work on and off, risking losing my day job all together. Having a launch date for my book and still needing a book cover, synopsis and the works! Life was turbulent for sure!

To put icing on the cake, I received a call that I was granted an apartment I applied for and would be moving (such a grueling and exhausting process on top of everything else going on, even though I was thankful.)

So what do we when the tribulations of being human bang us over the head... Here are a few simple steps to get you back in the game...

1. Unapologetically Cut Off Frustrations!

Seriously, this was by far the most helpful.

It's easy to carry other's baggage while you're going through your own and not even notice it. If you're anything like me then you're always out to help someone and find it hard to say no.

Realize that if you do not rid yourself of as many frustrations as possible while you yourself are feeling down, then the chances of you staying down are greater. How will you be able to help another if you don't help yourself first?

Be willing and become able to unapologetically tell someone no, or stop talking to them for some time. It's the same with activities that do not serve your purpose. The people that matter will be there when you get back up and you'll have another go round.

2. Reset Your Priorities! Refocus!

Sometimes we get sidetracked on our way...

How many times has this happened to us all. Ever been going to look for something in the bedroom and you get all the way there to notice you either forgot and got sidetracked and are now folding clothes that you left on the bed or something?

Just like that, it's super easy to lose focus. We always stop and say "What did I come in here for?" In that same way we must question ourselves about our main goals and refocus when we catch that we've become sidetracked.

The key is to do so in such a clear way, with clear steps, and write them down, study them, to begin reapplying like if we never stopped.

3. Alone time to Reflect and do what nourishes the self is A MUST! Spiritual Healing

People hear spiritual healing and quickly think GOD.

In this instance I want you to think INNER PEACE. Finding a way to recenter your energy is key.

This can be done in a number of ways including; YOGA, MEDITATION, EXERCISING, READING, A SPA DAY, CHURCH, SPEAKING TO A NEUTRAL PERSON... I mean the list goes on, even spending time in nature can assist.

Make sure to reflect on your current state of mind, always coming back to the present moment. Tune into how you are feeling inside and out, ask what can re-center you and do that.

4. Control what you can and let go of the rest!

This one is pretty self explanatory. Don't get all crazy over the things that are out of your control.

I had a friend once tell me "Think about the issue before you go to bed and ask for a solution. Once you wake up, the first solution you think of, run with it and be done with it. No need to drag it out, chances are the problem will dissolve itself with time anyway."

I will never forget the simplicity and until this day I use that technique. It allows me to move on from unwanted head spaces and helps me realign with what I do have control of.

5. Be kind to yourself!

Too often we beat ourselves up over the smallest mishap. Nobody is perfect and that includes you. That's what makes you so darn poppin! Embrace it and treat yourself, change your scenery and be ok with it! Your Happiness is most important.

Until next time, stay true to yourself and to others. I appreciate you!

Please feel free to leave a comment and share this post if you'd like.

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