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3 Effective Ways to Combat PTSD

Hello Fellow Bitter to Better Blog Readers!

It's Memorial Day here in NYC!

Big shout out to our service members, those who serve and those who have served. YOU ARE APPRECIATED!

With that said, I'd like to touch up on an issue which is prominent in the lives of many of our soldiers, and that is PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).

This disorder is one that makes everyday life extremely difficult because it affects the person suffering, mentally and emotionally. Due to the traumatic events one might have lived through, it is noted that the experiences are relived and vividly felt in the mind when suffering from PTSD. For more details on this condition please click here.

I have researched and compiled 3 of the most effective proven techniques to help combat the symptoms of PTSD.


3 Effective Ways to Combat PTSD without Medication


Do not feel the need to push the thoughts that cause the stress away. They will remain until they are properly dealt with. It is best to acknowledge the thought and better analyze your feelings. Begin to pin point any association or triggers to the feelings and thoughts that surface. With the process of reflecting you can better deal with any triggers and begin to avoid them.


One, if not the most destructive symptom of PTSD is the isolation that is caused as a result. When you feel lonely and as if nobody understands what you're going through, you will most likely isolate yourself from the world. It's easier said than done, but you must push to be productive in these moments. Volunteer for a cause or go out and exercise. Both will provide you with a sense of belonging by giving back to those in similar situations or keeping active. Exercise alone can spark endorphin and in turn help you feel better in a moments notice.


While dealing with PTSD you may feel depressed and anxious most of the time, it is imperial to to reach out to others. The love from family and friends may help you cope. Joining support groups will assist you in understanding what it is you're experiencing and also provide a sense of unity. You are not alone.

Please seek assistance from a professional if you feel that the condition is completely out of your control. While these self- help techniques can greatly assist, I do know and understand from personal experience how difficult it can be. Do not feel ashamed to seek the help necessary.

Thank you for stopping by and remember we have the power of choice. Use that which has made you bitter to become better.

Until next time...

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