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4 Signs That It's Time To Say NO!!!

I’ve shared that my passion is writing and also helping others. However there is a very thin line between helping others and being used by others. In this sense, the person doing the helping must differentiate and learn when to say NO.

Coming from a person that finds it extremely hard to say no to people, believe me when I say it is absolutely necessary.

Are you experiencing any of the following?

  1. Have you been feeling pressure to solve someone else’s problems and are becoming stressed because of it?

  2. Have you been giving advice, time, and a lot of thought to finding a solution for someone else’s issue?

  3. Have you been lending money, doing favors, and going out of your way to make someone feel better about, or alleviate their situation?

  4. After helping someone get out of a slump, have you witnessed that they go right back to the same situation by choice?

If you answered yes to any of those questions then chances are you’ve experienced what it is I’m talking about first hand. If you do not get on board and learn when to say no then chances are you will start to carry their burdens.

If things do not work out the way you want it to for them, chances are you will become stressed or even depressed. It is not your place to take on so much of what is not your responsibility to begin with.

What’s even worse is that there are people who will try to make you feel like if it is your responsibility. Well it’s not. IT’S OKAY TO SAY NO.

Too often when you have a big heart and extend yourself to others you easily forget your own needs. Prioritize and take care of you first.

Get into the habit of learning who to help and where to draw the line, or what the cut off limit is.

Many people are walking around in life stressed over problems that aren’t even theirs.

It’s a beautiful thing to want to help others but it is not worth sacrificing your own sanity or self confidence because of the decisions they have made.

Until Next Time

Just like any other habit, in order to start on the path of it becoming a default action, we must practice and do it constantly.

Learn the value of giving a helping hand and also the inevitable truth about having to deny it sometimes. You do not owe it to anyone but yourself to manage and control the circumstances in your life, do not allow anyone to make you feel otherwise.

Please leave your opinion and comments below. Feel free to share a time when you experienced something in your life that made you bitter but you transformed it to something better.

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