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10 Common Traits Successful People Have

Hello fellow Bitter to Better Blog readers !

I’m so excited about the topic today because it doesn’t matter where in the world you’re reading this from, we all share this common goal… The longing for SUCCESS!

So, why is it that it seems like it’s just a chosen few who actually obtain it?

They go for it relentlessly and sacrifice for it.

The one common trait that all successful people share is their ability to stick to the course of action. That is the key!

key to success

Successful people, just like everybody else, have moments of weakness and feel discouraged. The average person from the outside looking in would figure that things were handed to these people.

Take the time to ask and speak to someone whom you see have acquired the things you might desire, chances are they have a very immaculate and lengthy story of their struggle to success. The steps they took required some type of sacrifice. So get rid of the jealousy and put your determination on over drive. Use their examples to make you better and strive for your own. LETS GO!!!

10 Common Traits

  1. Setting goals, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, successful people set concrete goals they don’t just wing it!

  2. They stick to the plan even when they lack motivation

  3. Focus! They want to complete what they set out to do before anything else. They have a strong desire that can’t be moved.

  4. Successful people are very competitive. They do not fear competition and always strive to do what they set out to do, better than anyone else.

  5. They are extremely organized

  6. Associate with other successful people. They understand the importance of influence and do not indulge in negativity or unprofitable surroundings.

  7. They are always willing to learn and analyze others strategies to apply them in their own journey toward success.

  8. They have faith and believe wholeheartedly in their abilities to succeed. The feeling of entitlement is always present.

  9. Successful people don’t spend too much time making plans; they set the goal and start toward it, no procrastinating. They understand that the way will clear as they go.

  10. They know how to say no, especially if it hinders their road to the desired end.

Begin to emanate these traits. Start small but just start and watch where it takes you.

Trust me sometimes I get the worst case of writers block, other times I’m just not in the mode to write at all for many reasons; mostly from being tired. My everyday job and chasing after my one year old is a full time exhaustion bucket. To add to the creative load I’m writing my very first book at the same time.

I made a commitment to write at the very minimum, one post for my readers a week and dedicate at the very minimum of two hours a day for my books completion.

Even when I feel discouraged I write. This is me simply putting into effect the steps I must take to be successful in what I’ve set out to accomplish. Soon it will become the norm for me through routinely applying and prioritizing.

You can do the same with anything you set your mind too. Good luck on your path to success.

Until Next Time

Just like any other habit, in order to start on the path of it becoming a default action, we must practice and do it constantly.

Believe in yourself and break the chains of comfort, embrace change and decide wholeheartedly to become better than the circumstances that surround you.

Until my next entry I hope we all set aside time to reflect and begin to make these lists of changes. Break the chains that hold you back from reaching your highest potential. Use that which has made you feel bitter to become better. Thanks for stopping by.

Please leave your comments below. Feel free to share a time when you experienced something in your life that made you bitter but you transformed it to something better. You never know who your story might help.

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