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My Relationships, My Business: 4 Steps to Build Successful Ties

Hello my Fellow Bitter to Better Blog Readers!

So today I have to keep it all the way real with you guys. It's Christmas Eve and New Years is next week, so you know that around this time of the year we get to assessing ourselves and things....

I must admit that I am not too proud of the relationships that I have maintained or entertained up until this point.

While I'm really enjoying writing this blog and finding my voice in the world as a writer...

I really have to admit that I haven't built the best of relationships throughout my life.

We must make the decisions to keep or not to keep certain relationships simply because it will add definition to who you are in the long run.

So while I was editing my book, there's an excerpt I was inspired to incorporate that I simply couldn't wait until it's launched to share. A new way to view and build relationships.


Now bear with me here. Let's pretend for a second you owned a business, and if you do, then you can definitely relate. Naturally as your business grows you will be required to hire new employees (build new relationships.)

With that concept in place we can outline the requirements and criteria that your new employees must possess.

interview, woman, job applicant, business


1. What are my non-negotiable guidelines?

- Most companies have a 2 year minimum requirement and it's mostly non-negotiable. Depending on where you are in life, an entry level position is probably not what you're interviewing for.

I'll be 30 in June so I'm looking for some stability in the relationships that I build going forward, therefore I'll make no compromise with the qualities (ex. positive, productive, employed, spiritual, motivated, etc) I'm looking for in the people I choose to join my life and head space.

2. What's my probation period?

- Prestigious and well paid positions all have probation periods. Some are 3 months, others 1 year, or even 2, in which the new hire is still on the chopping block to prove their abilities and continue to fill the position.

Like many, if you've experienced failed relationships in your past, then it's easy to build some trust issues, no matter how small. Instead of taking those doubts into the new relationship, give them a probation period to feel it out.

Keep it really light during this time, you are simply giving them the benefit of the doubt. Nothing permanent yet.

3. What are violations worthy of write ups and verbal warnings?

- A company might allow you to have a slip up or two (considering that you're a good enough employee) before they lay you off. They will verbally address the issue and then continue to distribute write ups. If the employee really wants to keep their job they will fix the issue.

We must do the same in the relationships that have potential but prove to have a hiccup or two. Voice your opinion and how you feel or would like things to be and if the person values the relationship they will make the adjustments.

4. What are the grounds for termination?

- In business, termination is like second nature. If the employee threatens the integrity of the company policy, guidelines, or overall message etc. they are FIRED! DISMISSED! LAID OFF!

Find your limit and do not budge. Too often we entertain relationships that end up taking up our time for years because we keep giving second chances or hoping we can somehow change a person.

YOU CANNOT CHANGE PEOPLE! people can only change themselves.

With that said, be willing to walk away if the relationship is detrimental, or even the least bit unprofitable. At this point if you are not helping build any part of my mind, body, soul, or spirit, then what's the point.

Until Next Time

Just like any other habit, in order to start on the path of it becoming a default action, we must practice and do it constantly.

Use that which has made you feel bitter to become better. Thanks for stopping by. Please leave your opinion and comments below, I welcome any feedback you may have on how to improve my blog as well or topics you want covered. Feel free to share a time when you experienced something in your life that made you bitter but you transformed it to something better.

Oh and Merry Christmas to all XOXOXO

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