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3 Simple Techniques To Remain Motivated

Motivation is that thing… the thing that keeps you going, wanting, fighting and striving!!!

We need motivation to reach the goals we set out to accomplish, especially if they are long term goals.

Too often we get so close to accomplishing something we set out to do and then we quit and beat ourselves up about it, but had we stuck it out a bit longer we would’ve made it happen.

Motivation helps us see the light at the end of the tunnel when times get hard and we experience moments of doubt or discomfort along the way.

Too often we fall victim to what I’ll call our down time... we say screw it and on to the next thing when things aren’t going fast enough, aren’t easy enough, or exactly how we want it.

This is not the way to complete a goal or succeed in anything you set out to do. You’ll just end up with a bunch of half completed projects and let’s face it, that sucks.

Find a way to STAY MOTIVATED, because that’s the hard part.

A Bitter to Bitter Technique

1. Is there something you want badly, like your dream house, car, business, or any other material possession?

- Find a picture of this item and place it in your wallet, purse, your locker at work, on the computer screen, basically everywhere and anywhere that you can constantly see it.

2. Is there someone you love immensely and wish to make proud, or that depends on you? Ex. Mom, Dad, Children, Significant Other

- Take pictures of these people and place them everywhere that you can constantly see them as well. (I have my daughters picture on my desk at work)

These pictures will serve as reminders of why you are doing what you're doing to begin with. It's a stronghold in moments where you feel like giving up.

3. Feed your mind motivational tools and act accordingly!

- Invest time in motivating yourself, get motivational books, listen to motivational speeches (YouTube is a great resource), and surround yourself with people who motivate you.

- Write your goals on paper, set due dates, and when you feel a low serge of energy, look at the photos from step 1 and 2 to remind yourself of why you are doing what you set out to do in the first place (this works wonders for me).

- Speak out loud to yourself (who cares what people think), affirmations are powerful and can help change your vibe. Say things like; I got this, I will be successful, that car is mine, that house is mine, I’m strong, I must complete (insert task here) because so and so depend on me, I will not let myself down, this too shall pass, ETC…

- Visualization; picture yourself already having what it is you want in your mind as vivid as possible for at least 3 minutes a day.


But Also Reward Yourself!!!!

So, I am trying a new technique, rewarding myself in exchange for following through with something specific.

Example: Manage to make it to work on time with no call outs all month (no exception) and on the first of the following month I can spend $100 on my hair and nails. Only if I don’t miss even one day or arrive even 5 minutes late.

This motivates me to be responsible with managing my time, keeping my work ethics in check, and I feel beautiful when I get to the reward. It's a win-win.

It’s great to push yourself and stay motivated, point is please… GIVE YOURSELF CREDIT.

No matter how small the accomplishment, make sure you acknowledge that you did it, this will motivate you to continue setting goals and reach them.

Until Next Time

Just like any other habit, in order to start on the path of it becoming a default action, we must practice and do it constantly.

There are all types of ways to find motivation and I hope this helps or that you continue to search and find a way that works for you. I’m here to reassure you that you are not alone. Many, if not all of us sometimes feel discouraged but with a little push we can stay on track. Believe in yourself. Thanks for stopping by.

Please leave your comments below. Feel free to share a time when you experienced something in your life that made you bitter but you transformed it to something better.

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