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Take Your Power Back: Stop Living Like a Victim

It’s effortless to fall into a pity party for ourselves…

Then we hit a spiral of actions that mirror this pitying state of mind. Not only is it unhealthy but very unproductive.

YOU ARE NOT ALONE THOUGH, I’m sure we all have had those overwhelming moments of sadness, where you feel weak and like giving up. There are ways to fight back and pick your vibes back up…

For starters just let yourself feel down, no really, it’s okay.

We are human and it’s ok to feel down or weak at times.

But if you stay in this place of gloom then you give up all your power to become strong again.

Don’t become your own victim.

A few signs that you’re in a spiral of Self-Victimization

1. You often refer to your current state of living as “Karma”

If this sounds like you, realize you’re justifying the bad things that happen in your life. Almost as if you deserve to go through hard times.

2, You often think of how taking positive actions for yourself might hurt someone else close to you, even when the actions are good

For example; you wish to transfer your work location for a fresh start in a different state, but you worry about your brother (who’s already an adult) feeling abandoned or not being able to make it on his own…etc.

If this sounds like you, then chances are you’re feeling obligated to stay at a place in life that no longer suits you

You’re sabotaging your own personal growth and development.

3. You think about carrying out actions that might affect someone else negatively. For example; you think things like “I should just disappear and not answer anybody’s calls so that they can worry and wonder what’s wrong with me, the hell with them anyway.”

Chances are you’re holding on to some type of grudge and feel that acting out will affect the people around you.

You’re ultimately just hurting yourself.

4. You spend countless days and nights absolutely alone

There is a difference between an introvert and isolating yourself due to fear of socializing or being accepted

In this case you are very aware of who you are but do not accept yourself, you’re missing out on life in its entirety.

WELL HEY!! I love you just the way you are ☺


The reason I chose to reframe the picture instead of taking a whole new picture is because while self-victimization is not a good state to be in, in some ways it does remind us of how human and vulnerable we are.

Use those feelings to become better, remember why you are experiencing this and use it.

  • If you believe in Karma then start doing good deeds

  • If you want to do something out of the ordinary for yourself, just go and do it

  • When you know you’re being irrational and will most likely hurt yourself (mentally, emotionally, or physically) assert your will power and don’t react until after the feeling has passed

  • If you feel that you’re isolating yourself from people then step out of your comfort zone and start to surround yourself with new people who know absolutely nothing about you. (This way you don’t feel the need to live up to any set standard that may be causing the feeling of not belonging)

  • Live on purpose

Until Next Time

Just like any other habit, in order to start on the path of it becoming a default action, we must practice and do it constantly.

Until my next entry I hope we all set aside time to reflect and begin to make these life changes. Break the cycles that hold you back from reaching your highest potential. Use that which has made you feel bitter to become better. Thanks for stopping by.

Please leave your comments below, feel free to share a time when you experienced something in your life that made you bitter but you transformed it to something better, you never know who your story might help.

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