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1 Guaranteed Method to Lessen Daily Stress Levels

Hello my Fellow Bitter to Better Blog Readers!

So every single day we encounter a number of different stress factors, it’s life and it’s out of our control… well most of it anyway.

Circumstances can drive us up the wall and we find ourselves holding on to a light pole, eyes closed, taking deep breaths, trying to get a grip.

woman, stressed, overwhelmed

Personally I start my day with very high stress levels due to the fact that I’m responsible for getting another human being prepared for the day along with myself. Yes, I’m referring to Gods gift to me, my little angel Mylie, my beautiful daughter.

I literally run around looking for her bottle, favorite toy, left shoe (so odd it’s always the left one, no lie hahaha), packing snacks, and any other miscellaneous object I must pack for her trip to Day Care.

That’s just the beginning because I haven’t begun on preparing myself… You get my flow?


There’s absolutely no flow, just utter chaos!

Already stressed… I remember I was supposed to go to Target to restock on household necessities like 2 days ago…

POINT IS… lets lessen our stress levels by planning effectively. How do we do this exactly? so simple…



A Bitter to Better Technique


  1. What will you wear? Pick your outfits for the week…have it laid out the night before. I’m a woman so heck I might even try it on the night before. Nothing worse than figuring it looks ridiculous the morning of. Guys this is probably a no brainer for you, I love your get up and go ability. KUDOS!

  2. Plan your meals for the week. We all have that hmmm what to eat today? moment, or even worse, we know what we want, but forget to take it out of the freezer. SCHEDULE REMINDERS. I can’t begin to share how much money I would have saved had I started my reminders sooner. Every time I forgot to thaw what was for dinner, I ended up ordering take out, sheeeesh $$$$. So at 7am I have an alarm that says “take out chicken, steak, etc. for dinner.” I’m usually heading out by 7:10am the latest.

  3. Do a thorough inventory of everyday life necessities at the very least once a week, and schedule that too. I do my inventory every Sunday, and I mean down to... “am I running out of adobo?” Ever been cooking something scrumptious then realize you’re missing a key ingredient like what the heck hahaha (I refer to food a lot I know, can’t help it, I love to eat.) This LIST should include everything from detergent, to new shower curtains. All necessities big and small.

  4. Schedule the days for your errands following step 3s list; Time/ Location/ What for? In that order. For example, every second Wednesday of the month I go to Target right after work at 5pm, I pick up diapers, wipes and toiletries. There’s no confusion or procrastination, no trips down unnecessary aisles. I get there, I get exactly what I went for and I’m out the door, 20-30 minutes tops.

  5. Make sure your schedule is visible. The reason I say to set reminders is because we are a generation of technology, so whether it is your phone, laptop, tablet, etc. it should serve as your reminder. However, I highly recommend a good old fashioned wall Calendar. What better reminder than walking past it constantly and every day? Exactly! Whatever works for you though.

I’m sure you get my gist for this scheduling extravaganza! The point is to be fully prepared on purpose. That’s the only thing you can control and it helps alleviate every day stress levels because a lot will be nicely organized.

Until Next Time

Just like any other habit, in order to start on the path of it becoming a default action, we must practice and do it constantly.

Believe in yourself and break the chains of comfort, embrace change and decide wholeheartedly to become better than the circumstances that surround you.

Until my next entry I hope we all set aside time to reflect and begin to make these lists of changes. Break the chains that hold you back from reaching your highest potential. Use that which has made you feel bitter to become better. Thanks for stopping by.

Please leave your comments below. Feel free to share a time when you experienced something in your life that made you bitter but you transformed it to something better. You never know who your story might help.

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