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Resolutions and Solutions: Happy New Year 2018

Hello my Fellow Bitter to Better Blog Readers!

It's New Years Eve!

fireworks, new year, festivities, fun

While this is a beautiful time of celebration and new found resolutions for the year ahead, there are many of us who are focused on taking the necessary actions to remove people, or change the circumstances that we do not intend to bring into 2018.

Many of these changes include some major readjustments to our current lifestyle and bring with them levels of discomfort.

Even more so, a few months into the new year we might relapse and begin to pick up old habits, baggage, or feelings of inadequacy and begin to fall back on our goals.

Why is that??

Why do we experience these high moments of ambition and then allow it to sizzle out with time? What great things may we accomplish if we learn to stick it out?

I'm not exempt from this cycle and have done some research on how to actually stick to my resolutions. I am fascinated with the site of an amazing coach, James Clear.


1. Be the architect of your future actions, not the victim of them. 2. Don't worry about the results until you've mastered the art of showing up. 3. You’ll learn more from the process of pursuing excellence than from the products of achieving it. 4. Take a risk, get started, and contribute something.

Happy New Year and let’s tackle 2018!

Much Blessings to you from the Bitter to Better Blog!!

Also see one of my recent posts on how to remain motivated by clicking here

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